
Pack 100 Org Chart


Delivers the Cub Scout program to the Pack.

Assistant Cubmaster

Helps the Cubmaster and fills in for the Cubmaster if necessary.

Pack Committee

Responsible for the administration, oversight and support of the pack program.

Every pack is under the supervision of a pack committee, which consists of a minimum of three members (chair, secretary and treasurer).  By handling administrative and support tasks, the pack committee allows the Cubmaster, Den Leaders and their assistants to focus on working directly with the Cub Scouts.

Qualifications for all Committee Members:

Regardless of the size of the pack committee, these responsibilities must be performed:

A well organized committee makes the Cubmaster’s job much easier and ensures that a quality program is delivered to the youth.

Committee Chair

Leads the pack committee in oversight of the Pack.


Ensures proper records are kept within the Pack.


Helps the Pack Committee establish a budget and sound financial plan for the Pack.

Communications and Public Relations Chair

Be the Pack spokesperson to the public.

Fundraising Coordinator

Coordinate money-earning events for the Pack.

Advancement Chair

Support advancement as a means of Scouting.

Membership and Registration Chair

Works with the pack to recruit and welcome new families.

Awards and Religious Emblems Coordinator

Promote awards and religious emblems available to Cub Scouts and Scouters.

Outdoor Activity Chair

Help Scouts develop a love for the outdoors and being active.


Supports the Committee as needed.